Unlike the other X games, SETA will turn off as soon as anybody tells you something over the radio or if you get close to anything. Enemy ships will have the parts you need to craft it. When you activate it, the entire game starts running six times faster. SETA is a hold over from the other X games. Both require a lot of work to get so you might want to come back to this section later on if you're just starting out. Version 4 added a couple of important navigation features.

(Personally, I’m aiming for the billion credit achievement.) You’re going to need to decide for yourself what you want to do. Unlike X3:TC, you’re left in a great big sand box once the campaign ends. After X3:TC and it’s gargantuan HUB mission, I was pretty shocked when the campaign ended after a “mere” sixty hours or so.Be sure to save before getting into the drone because you can’t save while doing the remote pilot thing. The whole time you’re doing this, you’ll need to avoid the cops’ scanners. You’ll need to pass the mini-game (3+ bars) three times and you’ll need to do several markers before the station is hacked. When you’re close enough, double click on the icon and you’ll get the mini-game slider thing much like in the small talk mini-game but moving much faster. The drone steers pretty badly so expect to overshoot a few times until you get the hang of it. You’ll need to get within 100m of each marker. Fly your little drone toward the markers on the station. Trojan ROV: I didn't understand how I was supposed to do this one at first (and second, and third, and.) so here's how.

When you do, be very careful when picking how many turrets to give it! Every turret needs to be bought somewhere so check through your maps and try to figure out what you can and can't buy first.
Are you going to let some wussy guide author tell you that you suck too much to handle a dogfight!? Plus it’s good practice. So what can you do? Well, first you try to beat them anyway, of course. The squad you’re supposed to be assisting will probably get wiped out fast, too, so don’t expect any help from them. Reiver Raids: there are a lot of gorram Reivers! Even on medium difficulty and throwing missiles out like they cost nothing, you’re going to find it difficult to beat all these guys.Here are a few spots that confused/confounded me…