Make sure the plant is completely coated. If water does not seem to be controlling them, try insecticidal soap. You might always want to try a homemade spray remedy to control aphids. You will need to hit all areas of the plant, including the undersides of the leaves, and you will need to do this more than once. Ants crawling on the plants and feeding on the honeydewīecause they are such tiny, tender insects, you can often control aphids by hosing off the rose bush with a strong blast of water.Black sooty mold growing on the honeydew.Sticky honeydew substance that is secreted by the aphids.Symptoms of aphid infestation and damage include: As they feed, the plant will become puckered, brittle, and yellow and the plants will slip into decline. You might see them referred to as greenfly or blackfly, but they are not actually flies.Ī single aphid is not a big threat, but aphid colonies can grow shockingly quickly, and you will easily be able to see them on the plants.

There are several species, which might be yellow, green, or blackish in color. These tiny, pear-shaped, sucking insects love to feed on succulent new growth. The Spruce Home Improvement Review BoardĪphids are a particularly common rose pest.Also indicate if there have been any notable weather events (sudden increase or drop in temperature, frost, hail, drought, heavy wind, etc) or application of pesticides on or near the plant. If your plant is outside: indicate both your location and plant hardiness zone.If your plant is in a pot: indicate the size and type of pot, if the pot has drainage holes or not, and when your plant was last re-potted.Light exposure to your plant (full, partial, shade, indoors, artificial lighting, etc).How often you are watering your plant and how you are watering it (top/bottom/drench method, with tap water, with fertilizer, etc).What kind of soil the plant is in, especially if it is in a pot.If your plant has been recently re-potted, transplanted, fertilized, or moved to a new location.If you don't know what the bug is, /r/whatsthisbug can help you identify it. Any insects that appear to be colonizing your plant.How long you have had the plant and how long it has been sick.If you don't know what your plant is, /r/whatsthisplant can help you identify it. The species or common name of your plant.Examples of helpful information to include in addition to signs & symptoms of illness: Posts with more info are more likely to receive a diagnosis and care advice. Share as much information about your sick plant as possible. X-posts from other subreddits are allowed so long as the linked posts have images. It's best to include photos of the entire plant as well as close-up photos of problem areas. Posts without images or with images not containing your sick plant will be removed. Your post MUST have one or more images showing the condition of your sick plant. All identification requests belong in other subreddits ( /r/whatsthisplant for plants, /r/whatsthisbug for insects, and /r/mycology for mushrooms/fungi). Requests for healthy plant care & prevention advice belong in one of the related subreddits listed on the sidebar, such as /r/gardening. If you aren't asking something to the effect of, "what's wrong with my plant?" or "why does my plant look weird?" then your post doesn't belong here. Posts not soliciting diagnosis for a sick or abnormal plants will be removed. Your post MUST be soliciting a diagnosis for a sick plant or a plant in obviously abnormal condition. It should go without saying but.don't be a dick! 2. Posts and comments that are rude to others are subject to immediate removal and the offending user will be banned without warning. You're in the right place to get the problem diagnosed as well as advice for treatment! SUBMISSION GUIDELINES 1.